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The Briercrest Museum


Click picture for a PDF of the Raffle Winner Poster.
Upcoming Events

Sunday, October 27, 2024
Briercrest Fall Supper

Click picture for a PDF of the Fall Supper Poster.


Past Event

Saturday, June 10th, 2023,
Briercrest Museum Heritage Day
Location:   Museum   

Click HERE for more 2023 Heritage Day pictures.

The Briercrest Heritage Day is over for another year.

There were lots of activities for everyone to enjoy!

Demonstrations, old time music, cowboy poetry, blacksmith, bouncy castles, pie & ice cream, and an onsite concession.

There was a Slow Pitch Tournament & Beer Gardens.

Also there was a Show & Shine with trucks, classics cars, antiques, and modern day.

Sponsored by Briercrest Museum, Briercrest Community Centre,
Briercrest Rink, Briercrest Firefighters

Past Event

Briercrest Heritage Day
Location:   Museum    

Click here for a page with several pictures of Heritage Day 2022.

Click here for a page with several pictures of Heritage Day 2016.

Special Notices

A Bouquet

My husband and I visited the museum this summer as part of the events during a family reunion. I was so touched by the many items from my family that you have incorporated in the exhibits. My father was the son of Lena and Bill Etherington (Bob Etherington). Unfortunately, he died at a young age and I was unable to learn much about his family.

The museum helped to fill in some gaps and I am truly thankful for the opportunity to visit the museum. Thank you to the many people who lovingly and creatively created the museum and continue to share the museum with others. Enclosed is a small token of appreciation for allowing us to visit the museum.
With many thanks,
Catherine Etherington, Ottawa, Ontario